1895 4d registered envelope to France with a vertical pair of 1/-, 4 x 2d and a ½d, correctly paying a 2/8 ½d rate for a five times rate letter of 2½ ounces (plus the 4d registration). The rate to a foreign country was 6½d per ½ ounce. The stamps have been cancelled by indistinct barred numeral ‘1000’ cancels. A GABERONES B.B.P. JU 1 95 (Proud D2) cancel ties a 1/- and the ½d. London 28 JU transit cancels are on the front of the cover, on the back are Mafeking, Cape Town and Dieulefit transit and arrival cancels. Minor faults but a rare cover with this correct franking for a 2½ ounce letter.