KORANA WAR..1878 cover to Wynberg, Cape, endorsed P.A.O.C.V. Artillery on Special Service, Northern Border, with a countersignature of the Officer Commanding at the lower left. KENHARDT NO 29 1878 dispatch, Cape Town and Wynberg DE 5 1878 transit and arrival cancels are on the front of the cover, on the back is a Carnarvon DE 1 78 transit cancel. The small conflicts over cattle and land raids came to a head in 1868, when the colonial government created a special magisterial district. The Northern Border Protection Act was passed to permit action against the Korana. A special border unit was stationed at Kenhardt, but the handful of police and burghers were too few to protect a 330 km stretch of land. This eventually led to the Korana wars of 1869 and 1878. This cover was from that second 1878 war. The Korana 'raider' groups led by Klaas Lukas were defeated and came under the control of the Cape Government. Very little mail is known from this conflict (less than 5 covers). A very rare cover.