Shipwreck - Angkor 1923

Ref: G5559
  • £195.00

1923 ambulance envelope, carrying a letter to Saigon that was on the ‘ANGKOR’ that, on 15 October had a fire in No. 3 hold while at Perim Island at the south entrance to the Red Sea. Mail and cargo were damaged by both the fire and water used to extinguish the fire. The ‘Angkor’ sailed for Djibouti, but on arrival it was found the fire was still alight. It was extinguished and the mail was taken off. Mail that was too badly damaged to forward normally was placed in ambulance covers and a five line explanatory cachet applied. A Marseille A Yokohama 28-10-23 octagonal datestamp is on the front of the cover, on the back is a Saigon 2.11.23 arrival c.d.s.